GDPR Notice


The following General Data Protection Regulation notice must be fully read and agreed to, this demonstrated by us both signing at the bottom of this page, before any driving instruction can begin. This privacy notice has been produced to help you understand why I must collect and store your personal information, for how long, how it will be used and who this may need to be shared with.

I will need to store your full name, date of birth, mobile number, email address, home address (plus pick up address and address on licence if different), licence number and expiry date, any medical conditions and medications you are currently using, and any disabilities or learning needs you may have. I may use this information if necessary to book in a theory or driving test on your behalf, as well as for my insurance company should they require it. All personal information is required to be kept by me for 6 years from receiving it, and will be securely destroyed by me after this period.

I will also need to keep hand-written and various digital/online records of all payments made, lessons scheduled and lessons taken. Again, it is required of me to keep detailed records for tax return purposes for 6 years, at which point I will securely dispose of all personal data kept. I may need to store this information on Total Drive (driving instructor app), Xero (accountancy software), and on hard copies of your student record sheets, which will all be kept at the business address.

I intend to record the progress in your lessons hand-written onto documents, as well as on Total Drive. This is beneficial to help both parties see where you are at in your training. I also intend to keep track of successful/non-successful tests taken by students and what driving faults were given, to help me monitor my own performance. However, I am not legally required to keep this information, so please let me know if this is something you do not wish me to store for longer than is needed for our on-going lessons.

Once you pass your driving test I will ask for your consent to upload a photo of you, a written review (should you wish to leave me one), and various details of your pass to my website and Facebook page. I will give you more information on this at the time, to ensure you are happy for this to go ahead. It will be purely for promotional reasons and you are by no means obliged to agree to this. Please also note that once this data is uploaded, I have no ability to keep it from being shared or copied elsewhere, so please bear this in mind when consenting.

I use outward-facing front and rear dash cams in my training car. I must have these recording to support any insurance claim I may need to make, due to any incident. I may occasionally wish to use various recordings for training purposes for myself or for students. Audio will only be recorded if it will aid the learning, otherwise I will ensure the camera is muted and do my best to not record the pupil visually. As soon as any footage is no longer required, it will be destroyed unless I have your consent to keep it. I intend to regularly delete footage from the SD card kept in my dash cams. Please let me know if you have any concerns or questions regarding privacy at any stage.

If you wish to make a complaint about the way I have used your data, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) which oversees the data protection law in the UK, by going to “”.